This is a Private Residence, owned and occupied by the Owner of the Barracuda Swim Club Faith Taylor and Family. The Driveway is a left turn at a mailbox that says 5140, off of Clapper Flat Rd just past Red and King Gulch
When you arrive, you will follow a long driveway and continue past the red barn all the way down to the pool area. The designated parking area for the pool is marked off with ropes. You will then make your way into the pool area through the first door on the right (the one with the welcome sign). Upon entering please remove debris from your shoes the best you can to keep from tracking dirt snow and debris onto the pool deck. Thank You so much for helping us keep this area clean.
If there is snow cover on the ground, you will need a vehicle with awd/4wd/appropriate tires to access the parking area closest to the pool, it is down a little hill (past the red barn) and while no problem in the right vehicle, some cars/vehicles may be at risk to get stuck, if you are worried about this please communicate with us, it is absolutely an option to park up top by the garage and walk down.
Please drive carefully on Clapper Flat Rd during all times of year especially* in winter. Use your 4wd. The road is paved and in good condition but windy, with hills and s curves, and wildlife of all kinds, please drive cautiously! One thing we absolutely have working in our favor is that the road up to our driveway is maintained as it is a bus route. We also have our fabulous friends Morgan and Andy with Groovy Grazers down the road to thank, we rely on them to help plow our driveway and parking area for customers! It takes a Village and we are so thankful, Huge shout out to them for being such awesome, generous members of the community.
Our parking is limited at the moment (we have to grade out some deep gravel when the snow melts!) so if bringing additional spectators to swim lessons, please carpool if possible and park considerately of other patrons at lessons
In the rare occurrence that you cannot keep from it, please keep your dogs contained to your vehicle. We are very dog friendly ourselves, we have 3 giant Saint Berdoodles, they are very friendly but also protectors of the property.
Kids who start young (less than a year old) and stick with it, can very easily become wonderful swimmers, completely independent, at the age of 2. However, it doesn't work this way if they don't start until after they turn 2. When they start young, they have a better comfort level and understanding of the water. We can teach them to be safe and cautious without instilling fear, they develop skills like breath control, floating, kicking, jumping into the pool, rolling into a back float, etc. All while building strength, coordination, listening skills, and overall awareness of the water. The benefits go far beyond the pool when they start swimming at a young age. You won't have to worry about having issues bathing them, washing their hair, or getting water in their face. All of these things combined, generally lead us to a very skilled 2 yr old, cool as a cucumber, able to utilize the skills they have learned to save their life! Of course, nothing replaces adult supervision around water… but it is so much nicer to watch your child swim from a distance than to hold them as they fight you in the water. Moral of the story; it is easier for us, for you, and for them, to start your child in swim lessons when they are young!
This is normal! If you have a child that is already afraid/apprehensive about the water, starting with private lessons straight away is the way to go. We do not just immediately force them into the pool against their will… while we definitely do need to get in the pool, we try our very best to get them in on their own accord. As many of you parents know, when it's 'their idea' it tends to be a lot easier. If we sense apprehension, we don't even talk about getting in the pool yet. We have SO many fun toys to lure them in. Allowing the child to look at all the toys and throw them into the pool is a great ice breaker. It's a fun way to distract from the anxiety they may be feeling. Our goal is to throw the toys into the pool and then get in to go pick them up. Our proposal to them if they still aren't excited about getting in, is that if we go pick up our mess, then maybe we can be done! We have a lot of toys so we can definitely make this take a while. Generally, during this process, they decide they like it, and they feel safe, and then don't get out right away. Sometimes we have to uphold our end of the deal and show them that we meant what we said. And they can get out once they finished the task.
With younger students, that maybe aren't so keen on communication, or participating in the game, we use our best judgment, paired with the parent's wants for the lesson, sometimes this means we pick them up and take them in while they are crying. The truth is, every child is different, and our main goal is to build trust and not create a traumatic experience. We want them to have fun. We use our best judgment to navigate each situation with every child for the best results.
We start a new session every month. Most of our students attend class once a week. If desired, and the schedule allows, we can do twice a week swim lessons. Classes are held all year round, we plan for time off during the holidays similar to the school schedule.
By the time your child is 2, they need to start swim lessons if they haven't already. After this age, the stubbornness, the likelihood of developing a fear of water, and the chances of drowning increase. Once they are walking around everywhere, they are curious. Water poses a threat even in the smallest amount (toilet bowl, bathtub, etc.). The sooner we can instill safety skills and a love for the water into our children, the better off and safer they will be.
We accept infants as young as a month old! Babies in the womb are surrounded by liquid, they are born with the natural instinct to hold their breath. We believe the sooner this instinct is put into practice as an infant, the better. If exercised enough, this can become a skill/instinct that they will have forever.
It varies! Every child is different, not only just in age, and skill level, but also in how they learn, etc. We always suggest that parents start with the plan to do at least 3 months of lessons. Our instructor will have a better idea after the first lesson.
Based on the information you provide we’ll reach out to you with available swim time slots and our recommendation for which type of class we believe your child should start with. From there, you can pick what works best for you and your child. We’ll also send you a payment link. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR SWIMMING TIME SLOT IS NOT RESERVED UNTIL YOU’VE COMPLETED YOUR PAYMENT.
All other equipment will be provided by The Barracuda Swim Club.
When you sign up you will help us learn more about you, your kiddo(s), and your goals for joining Barracuda Swim Club. The sign up form includes important information like availability and a skills assessment. Please keep in mind that registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and your spot is not guaranteed until you’ve completed payment in Step 2.
Subscribing to monthly lessons with the Barracuda Swim Club has many perks!
Credit or Debit Card On File. Full payment for the next session will be deducted by the 7th day of each month (example: August payment will be taken by July 7th).
We need 30 days notice to cancel your membership (not renew for the next month) before any payment is taken.
In the instance that we have already charged you, and you forgot to cancel before your subscription auto renewed, we will provide a refund (minus a fee of $5 or 3% for processing) as long as it's at least 14 days before the start of the new month lessons.
Month To Month; if you have a busy, unpredictable schedule, and can't commit to coming every month, our month to month option may be better for you!
You will need to re enroll every month, about 30 days or so ahead of time
Each session is 4 weeks (4 classes) long and must be paid for in full to completely register for the swim class.
If there is a holiday in the month, we will work around it, we schedule our time off similarly to schools for all major holidays.
Sometimes a month has more than 4 weeks, we do not offer regularly scheduled lessons during the 5th week of the month, we will always communicate specific dates for the session.
You will need to re enroll every month, about 30 days or so ahead of time.
Preferred method of payment will be credit/debit card payment via square invoice. The Square platform ensures security with your online payment. Other payment arrangements can be made for cash or check however your class spot will not be guaranteed until payment has been collected.
The changing room is located in the pool room. This is our only private designated changing space, so if you plan on changing your child when you arrive please give some extra time to use this shared space.
To get to the bathroom, go through the door opposite of the shower in the pool room. You will enter a greenhouse area, go down to the door on the right (by the scarecrow) and follow the black path back to the bathroom. For students getting out of the pool to use the bathroom, this greenhouse area will be cold during winter so we recommend wrapping in a robe or extra towel. This is our home, so we kindly ask that you do not spend time in the basement for any reason other than to utilize the restroom, please watch your children as we do not permit access to any other rooms in the basement although they may not always be locked. You might see some messy teenage boys rooms lol.
We will be adding in a public bathroom this year designated for the use of our clients, until then our restroom is located in the basement of the home. This is the only lavatory we have for our customers, please do not use the bathroom to change, just for going to the bathroom. Please do not utilize the shower in the bathroom, we haul our water and will run out very quickly. Thank you all so much for understanding.
Barracuda Swim Club is not responsible for any lost or stolen property. If you leave anything in the pool area, usually Gracie will pick it up and keep it until the next time you visit!
Parents/caregivers must remain on site and accessible if not spectating for the duration of their child’s swim class. Every child is different, some may perform better if their parents are not watching the class, while others may benefit from the encouragement and support that their parent could offer during the class. If you are unsure what would work best please discuss this with the child's swim instructor.
We accept credit and debit card payments via Square invoice. This can easily be done online through a payment link or we can take payment over the phone. For membership holders, your card will need to be on file for payment each month. Please see 'How does the membership work?' to see scheduled dates for automatic payment.
For classes missed on your behalf we will do our best to accommodate a makeup lesson so long as we receive the proper notice. We will need to be notified no less than 6 hours before scheduled class time in order to be eligible for a makeup class, this applies to unplanned absences due to reasons like being sick, family emergency etc.
For planned absences, please give us as much notice as possible, a week at least. The more heads up we have the more easily we will be able to accommodate you for a makeup class. Please note that we are unable to guarantee more than one makeup class (for a class that you miss) per month. We will do our absolute best to accommodate your schedule the best we can for makeup lessons, please offer us as much flexibility as possible when scheduling this to get your class made up in a timely manner.
For all absences, class cancelation, billing questions and correspondence please text our Business Line at 406-200-3983, this is how we will communicate with you, this is the easiest method for us to keep all information in one place for both Gracie and Faith to access.
The changing room is located in the pool room. This is our only private designated changing space, so if you plan on changing your child when you arrive please give some extra time to use this shared space.
To get to the bathroom, go through the door opposite of the shower in the pool room. You will enter a greenhouse area, go down to the door on the right (by the scarecrow) and follow the black path back to the bathroom. For students getting out of the pool to use the bathroom, this greenhouse area will be cold during winter so we recommend wrapping in a robe or extra towel. This is our home, so we kindly ask that you do not spend time in the basement for any reason other than to utilize the restroom, please watch your children as we do not permit access to any other rooms in the basement although they may not always be locked. You might see some messy teenage boys rooms lol.
We will be adding in a public bathroom this year designated for the use of our clients, until then our restroom is located in the basement of the home. This is the only lavatory we have for our customers, please do not use the bathroom to change, just for going to the bathroom. Please do not utilize the shower in the bathroom, we haul our water and will run out very quickly. Thank you all so much for understanding.
Barracuda Swim Club is not responsible for any lost or stolen property. If you leave anything in the pool area, usually Gracie will pick it up and keep it until the next time you visit!
After we've determined the best timeslot for you and your kiddo(s) we'll send you a payment link.
We’ll do our very best to get back to you within 7-10 business days.
© 2025 Barracuda Swim Club LLC.